This 2-part online forum was collaboratively organized by the Lionsview Seniors Planning Society, Silver Harbour Seniors Activity Centre, North Shore Multicultural Society, North Shore Immigrant Inclusion Partnership, and the City of North Vancouver. Funding from the West Vancouver Community Foundation, and the Province of BC New Horizons was acknowledged and appreciated.
Part I: Multicultural seniors in age-friendly North Shore communities
Tuesday, May 19, 2020 | 12:00 – 1:30 pm
The purpose of this forum was to build understanding about the experiences of multicultural seniors living on the North Shore. Presentations was offered on the following topics: seniors-specific demographics, studies about lifelong experiences of (dis)connection among older immigrants, and newcomer/immigrant seniors’ access to community services
Attended by over 50 participants, this session offered an opportunity to share strategies for fostering more age-friendly communities and meaningfully inclusion of seniors in local programming.
Part II: Multicultural seniors in age-friendly North Shore communities
Tuesday, July 28, 2020 | 12:00 – 1:45 pm
In follow up to Part I of North Shore Multicultural Seniors’ forum, this event brought together 30 participants to discuss next steps in 4 priority action areas related to the integration of multicultural seniors:
• ESL support & language learning support
• Celebrating cultures – building intercultural connections
• Informational workshops & services
• Volunteerism & community engagement